Wind-3, forse oggi l'annuncio. Il mistero del comunicato stampa sull'unione fatto sparire

Tutto pronto per l’annuncio di fusione tra Wind e 3 Italia. Avrebbe dovuto essere gia’ stamattina. Ma, a sorpresa, potrebbe slittare forse nel pomeriggio o domani, al piu’ tardi sabato. I comunicati stampa sarebbero gia’ pronti. E addirittura nasce un mistero. Nella prima versione del comunicato Vimpelcom sui dati semestrali agli analisti era stata annunciata, oltre ai dati, anche la fusione con 5 miliardi di sinergie. Ma poi e’ stata mandata una seconda versione dove sono stati diffusi solo i dati senza accenni al matrimonio. Ecco di seguito le due versioni in inglese.
“We have also just announced a transformative transaction in Italy. Our new 50/50 joint venture with CK Hutchison will bring more extensive network reach and increased services and quality for consumers and businesses. The joint venture will become a leading operator in Europe’s 4th largest telecom market, delivering a convergent play that will accelerate the ability to invest in the network, services and digital innovations. The transaction is a significant milestone for our shareholders which will provide long term value creation given the cost synergies equivalent to a NPV in excess of EUR 5 billion”
“VimpelCom closed 2Q15 with an improving set of financial results which put the company on track to meet the 2015 targets. At the same time, whilst reaffirming guidance for the year, we improved our Capex to revenue guidance as result of our focus on increasing free cash flow without impacting network quality, and service. Today also marks a very important milestone in the development of VimpelCom. In addition to our Q2 results, we provided an update on the company’s new strategy framework with an objective to deliver USD 750 million cash flow increase on an annual basis by year three.”